January 5th , 2021
I was able to pick up the MASSIVE original Warcry starter box and I LOVE IT! It really feels like you get good value out of this box.
I picked the box up just before Christmas and started assembling right away! I plan to keep a perspective that focusses on enjoyment as opposed to rushing through the builds, and I am hopeful that this mindset will help me to be able to see the project through to completion, because it is REALLY big!!!
Here is the cool Sigmar statue head, bell tower and some scatter terrain. The details are insane! I am leaving the ladders unconnected in order to be able to use them in different scenarios for the game.
This is a cool platform that you can place on top of the head. Again the stairs are left unattached.
These are the chaos beasties that come with the game. A-MA-ZING!
And here is the beginnings of the work I am doing on the basses of the models to add a little more detail (as if they need it), and to make the set my own. I plan to add skulls, gravel and dead grass tufts to the basses too.
I like the colors of the board and I am looking forward to trying to replicate the colors on the buildings.
The two war bands are also REALLY nice.
I got the terrain based in grey and used an "Atlantis" blue/green as the main colour. Pretty excited with the result. COVID has managed to limit the colour choices in the stores so this is a little bluer that I would have initially liked, but I happy with it so far. I am thinking that having the bell painted brass with verdigris on it will bring some warmth to the project and tie it in nicely.
January 11th, 2021
Made some good progress and finished my first terrain piece! :)
I did a first highlight with my craft store paint to further create a transition I only highlighted just over half way down the walls, and a final highlight with wolf grey was added only half way down.
For the final details I used Rhinox hide brown as the base for the wood and did two layers of drybrushing with increasing amounts of ushabti bone, and then a straight ushabti bone, I used a little agrax eathshade wash in some areas to add depth. I used boltgun metal for the bars, washed it with Agrax earthshade, and then sparingly added the orange wash to represent rust. As a finishing touch I added the orange wash to the bottom of the bars and painted some down over the rock to represent the rust running down. There was a moment last night were I felt the need to rush through this stage, then I remembered my new perspective and settled back into enjoying the process. I might just be able to make this happen!!!January 12th, 2021Second piece completed! 2 more standard pieces like this to go! So the quick progress should be sustained for them! The other pieces of scenery start to incorporate more details, so I think things will slow a little when I get to them... I am looking forward to painting the details! I also have plans to add some water effects to one of the fountains :)
January 13th 2021
Completed my third piece of scenery last night. I have found that these pieces are taking me about two hours each. I think that time is about to increase as I head into more detailed pieces so I will need to be mindful of my mindset to ensure I focus on enjoying the process and not getting fixated on completing pieces.
January 14th, 2021
4 pieces ready for the board. When everything is done is is going to be a VERY full board to play on! :D
January 15th, 2021
I got the wood basecoated last night. Tonight I will finish the wood and move onto the meatal components. My plan is to keep with the same approach I used on the metallics on the other pieces. Then I will need to decide how I want to do the skeletons for the set. There are A LOT of them, so I will need to find a balance between detail and efficiency.
January 17th, 2021
January 17th, 2021
I got the metallics and weathering done on the bell tower.
January 18th, 2021
Things definitely took a change of pace last night. I tried my hand at painting marble. This is the first stage, and I am planning to add a lot more depth and veins moving forward. I also think I am going to add more white to the head too. I am reasonably happy with the progress to date, but there is A LOT more to do!
January 20th, 2021
So I changed my mind and decided to go with a quicker scheme for the head that had a higher chance of success. The colours are still consistently cool because I used the same wolf grey used for the scenery, and it is set apart enough to add some variety and provide a glimpse into the distant past when this city was once a place of order and light.
January 21st, 2021
A few steps closer to finishing! LOL
January 27th, 2021Managed to finish up the bridges, and fountains, added some water effects to them. And made a start on the Sigmar's head platform.
January 28th, 2021
Did some work on the wood panels and tree trunks. Just taking my time and moving forward.
January 29th, 2021
January 29th, 2021
Got the skulls and the metal done last night.
Bones and chords! I kept the zenithal lighting at the front of my mind for all of the bones and I am really happy with how it all turned out. I added a little more to the rust on the bell and added rust to the water of the fountains. not much left to go now :)
More progress!
I was able to complete the last of the wooden barriers and have started in on the LAST TWO PIECES OF TERRAIN!!!!!!!!!! I just have the vases left to do!!!! I am very excited and proud of myself for sticking with the project!
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