Warpssssstone Warlocksss Yes, Yes, Yessssss!!!!!

I can't believe that I haven't blogged for this team before now! I have been working on it for months!!!! WOW! I guess Skaven truly are a secretive race!

Anyway...With Season 6 of my local league fast approaching I think it is time to get some paint onto my Skaven team at long last!!!! I played Elven union last season, and I am feeling the desire to play something different! I am the most excited about the Rat Ogre. 

Mar 11th, 2019
I have put paint to plastic! The team is primed and ready to go! I am also going to paint my Skaven Warband for Underworlds at the same time :)

Here are some WIP shots of the Rat Ogre and other Rats that I was able to dig up.

I took my time with this big guy and have done A LOT of cutting reposing and sculpting to get to the end result (not pictured yet).I like the original pose, but I wanted something more intimidating and dynamic to represent the skill she has... Most specifically, frenzy, I am also giving him block in our league!
Here isss a team shot: 
 This is a "FW" gutter runner, GW Line rat, and Storm Vermin. I modeled sewer pipes for these models to fit with the vision I have of their subterranean pitch.
Mar 12th, 2019
Well enough digging around looking for old pics! Here is a quick shot of the team after being primed and given a quick coat of Kislev flesh, the Rat Ogre has had an Agrax earthshade wash too. Not much to look at right now, but a very significant step towards having another painted Blood Bowl team for me! And yes, that is the Underworld's Skaven Warband you see :)
After looking around at reference material I am trying to decide whether or not I want to make the tails a slightly different shade than the skin...

Mar 13th, 2019
I based the Skaven war band with Kislev flesh, washed the Warlocks with Agrax earth shade, and was able to re-apply Kislev flesh to the Rat Ogre and a Line Rat. The second application of Kislev flesh was thin and left the recesses untouched, I also accentuated the I rings on the tails with the same technique. I will be giving the skin at least one two more highlights, I may use the highlights to add muscle strands to the RO. I will probably use a wash of sepia to bring it all together. 
I saw on line that in order to get the tail the colour I am looking for I can wash it with purple once I am finished the flesh.
This stage of the project is going to take some time, which is fine, i'm still not 100% on the colours for the team yet...
Mar 14th, 2019
6 Line rats and the RO have their first flash highlights done, and I based the Warband's flesh. Slow but steady progress, but fun none the less. 
Mar 17th, 2019
All the models have their first flesh highlights done. 
I decided to pick smaller groups of models and highlight them rather than doing all 20ish at once. I did the Warband first, then 6 Line Rats (Picture is pre-wash). I added increasing amounts of white to Kislev flesh for the highlights then used a sepia wash to bring everything together. For the tails and noses I made a "technical paint" using Lamian medium and purple. I'm happy with the results and the progress.

Mar 18th, 2019
Got the highlights and sepia wash done on the Rat Ogre.
Mar 19th, 2019
So i'm not entirely sure that I wont change my mind but.... I think I am going to paint my skaven team purple and white with brass accents.
Mar 20th, 2019
So I added some purple to a couple of models to see if I like it.... and I do... I used GW dark purple and gradually added my ghostly blue/green for highlights. I'm not sure if the White works, so I may change it to yellow instead... 
Mar 21st, 2019
Ok, so I was having a hard time moving forward with the team not knowing what I was going to do for team colors, so I moved ahead on one line rat as a tester and this is what I ended up with. 
I am happy with the purple. I think it fits nicely with the name and the race. I am also really happy with the skin, fur, and weathered metal. There is a part of me that feels the team needs more color, but the simplicity is growing on me. I also made some progress on the Rat Ogre. I like his bandages which are stone grey, washed with Agrax earthshade and stone grey highlighted. Again I feel like some yellow triangles would be nice, but i'm really not sure how to pull it off right now... 
Mar 22nd, 2019
A HA!!!! My painter's block has officially passed! Last night I was looking at a pic of my favorite Skaven Ikit Claw for inspiration and it happened! His robes have the cool Skaven triangle pattern on them, and decided to give it a go!!! It is going to add a lot of extra work to the project, but I am happy with the look, and the uniform variations it opens up are just what I was looking for! I also highlighted the line rats nails, and had a blast figuring out how I want my warpstone lines to look with their OSL. I also finished up the Rat Ogre's loin cloth, and fur! I am REALLY excited to have a go at the OSL for the HUGE warpstone crystal that he has stuck in his shoulder! Here is what I have so far. 

March 25th, 2019
Participating in a Shadespire tournament has hindered my progress with the team, but was WELL worth it! I finished third and got some awesome alt art cards and tokens.

I have almost finished painting the Rat Ogre (skull on the base left to do), I am pretty happy with the OSL on the Warpstone, but still unsure if I am 100% happy with the skin... I added some more yellow triangles to the arm Armour to break up the purple. I have made a good start in on the 6 Linerats too. I have based and initial highlighted all of their skin, based in purple on all, and have done metal with an Agrax earthshade wash on the two below. I wont have the team finished for the season's start on Wednesday this week, but I will do my best to have them done before it finishes. I will do all of the painting and then go back and add numbers to the players and positional names to the bases.
March 26th, 2019
So I was able to get the remaining 5 Line Rats to the same level. Flesh and tails finished, Purple based and cleaned up. Metalics based, weathered, and highlighted.
The metals will need to have some scratches added before they are done. And the purples require highlighting.
Not sure if I should bring the whole team to this level or finish these and then move on... I'm leaning towards getting all of the models to this level so that the team looks acceptable on the pitch...
March 27th, 2019
I made a little more progress on the Line Rats last night, and have decided that I will finish the models I start rather than having the whole team at an unfinished level. Not as pleasing to the eye on game night, but 100% more likely to inspire me to finish the team :) 
Last night I painted leather, fur, and started in on the bases. I also painted some of the cloth that I noticed under the helmets yellow, I think this once again will add to the ability to individualize some of the players while keeping a cohesive feel to the team. 
March 31st, 2019
I have been working on the Blitzers/StormVermin for the team and made it a fair way. I opted to make their equipment steel as opposed to the brass of GW's theme because it feels right to me. I seem to have made a decision to leave all of the yellow triangles until last on the models. I feel that I am better able to get painted models on the table this way, and that triangles are more like the icing on the cake, and can wait. I need to number the players with transfers and add weathering to them so that I can finish up the basses. That will probably take place tonight...
I am REALLY happy with how dirty the team is turning out, I think the yellow will help give the team a little more pop, but not too much.

April 2nd, 2019
I haven't updated as often lately, but now I actually have a little more substantial progress to share. I have added number transfers to the line rats, Storm Vermin, and Rat Ogre. They all have shoulder numbers and back numbers, well done GW for the design there! I have also decided to have all of the player's bases feature warpstone in some way. I decided to take a mini break and paint the warpstone ball marker too.
Right after I took this picture the tip of the FW Storm Vermin snapped off! It's too small to dremel and pin, so I am going to make the tail hold a skull so that I can get the bladed end back on, and increase its durability.

April 3rd, 2019
I managed to get around to painting the skulls on the team last night, and I am happy with the darker grubbier look to them. I added warpstone lines to the Rat Ogre's base too.
Next up was repairing the Storm Vermin's tail... I superglued an orc skull to the tail and glued the tail tip so that it is ion the skull and connected to the tail. Then I used GS to sculpt in the missing tail portion. I jest need to let it set, then I can probably paint it tonight. Pretty annoying that it broke, but not altogether unexpected, and I actually think it ended up with the model looking cooler.
April 7th, 2019. 
Slow and steady wins the race, but it sure doesn't make for exciting updates! LOL! Three players now have triangles on their robes! 
April 8th, 2019
I have finished the repair on the Storm Vermin's tail, so he is ready for game night this week! I also got some paint onto the last three models in the team's roster so that all of the models used this week will have paint on them!!! There are still two more Gutter Runners and a Thrower patiently waiting for paint, and of course all of the turn/score/re-roll markers...
April 9th, 2019
Purple has been highlighted, and the fur is done, I also went back and purpled the noses which I forgot to do when I was painting the tails. I am REALLY tempted to paint in circular holes to make the yellow look like swiss cheese....
I just did this mock-up on the computer and I think I REALLY like it! I will give it a go IRL and see how I like it then. 

April 11th, 2019
These three rats are taking longer than I thought, but I am happy with how they are turning out. The most recent progress is the "cheesy cloaks", triangles on the Gutter Runner's cloak, and a mass start on a bunch of Warp Stone! 
April 14th, 2019
I can't get over how long these little ones are taking! I guess that's what happens when you choose sleep over painting! LOL. 
Anyways.... I made a start on the silver metallics and got the basic weathering done. Painted the eyes, and made a healthy start on the bases. Progress will be slowER over the next little while as I will be out of town by the end of the week. 
April 15th, 2019
More triangles done on tabbards, the Throwers armour saw a little more love, and I went hard on the warpstone OSL. 
April 16th, 2019
I have edged the bases, painted their nails, and added numbers! I have some bandages/straps, a helmet, and some weathering left to do and then they are finished!!!
May 20th, 2019
So I finished third in the league this season and I earned enough to buy a third Gutter Runner which I had to paint up quite quickly. I also managed to finish a couple of tokens. 

I have a couple more tokens to finish, and still quite a few models still need yellow triangles on their robes. I feel that I have the hang of painting these guys now, and I am even feeling more confident playing them too. 

October 21st, 2020
I had a recent burst of motivation to complete this team! I have finished the last Gutter Runner and last night I painted up the second Thrower! Just some free hand and a couple of tokens left to do! 
