I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a Chaos Terminator warband for Space Hulk for YEARS!!!! But find it hard to pull the trigger due to price and indecisiveness. Lately I was looking at Crimson Fist Chapter Master Alexis Polux because who in their 40s doesn’t love the CFs!!!? The figure with his massive shield and power fist with built in melta is just pure awesomeness. I was instantly inspired to create a 40k variant in Terminator armour!!! THEN I remembered Harald! And there was no turning back!!!!
I love the idea of modelling a Terminator sized version of the original shield and customizing a power fist to look awesome enough to count as a power hammer, perhaps adding a melta to the fist is in order! OR a shield and lightning Claw!!! Both paint a beautifully horrific image in my mind. My thought is that he could count as a Terminator sergeant with power shield and…. You guessed it! Thunder hammer.
The idea also appeals to me because the Chaos gods favoured Harald in the Old World and perhaps wanted him to come back and continue their work. There’s a lot of background fluff on Harald so it would be easy to alter it slightly to give him a cool backstory.
Even his warhead has fluff, which I have stolen and made my own!!!
- Hammerhand of Harry - Harald's lightening Claw is blessed by the Chaos Gods to banish the souls of those he strikes, and is powerful enough to send daemon princes back to the warp with a single blow
- Armour of Damnation - This highly ornate suit of Chaos terminator Armour shimmers with unnatural energies that distort the position of the wearer so that the enemy's blows miss their mark.
- Bane Shield - The Bane Shield discharges a warp blast every time it is struck, rebounding the enemy's blows back at them.
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