Raven guard


I REALLY like the fluff behind the Raven Guard Chapter. I have always been a fan of stealth so they fit right in there. Recently my interest in them has been rekindled after I saw some cool conversions online. The combination of the Corvus Cabal warband with Primaris models has yielded some cool/dark looking results which I REALLY like, as it is a nice divergence from the primarily clean aesthetic of the primaris. There is a big part of me that thinks I could most likely sculpt my own weapons and beaks out of Green Stuff...

This is also a really nice upgrade sprue for the Chapter that GW does. 

October 16th, 2020
After a lot of thought I have changed my mind about the almost tribal look described above and I am favoring the clean look once again, Like in the top picture. 
I won a Primaris Chaplain on a bike, and I would like to paint him up as a Ravenguard. Just thinking about whether or not to give him White arms...
