August 20th, 2020
So I decided to assemble the Dwarf team that I have had sitting around for YEARS last night, and I am REALLY happy that I did. They are such cool models. I decided that I wanted the team to be true to my vision of Dwarves which is heavily armoured. As such, I opted to have duplicate models for the Troll Slayers and Blitzers so that they all have helmets. In fact there are only two models in the entire 12 piece build that are unique and those are the Runners.
I think the Line men/Blockers look awesome. I will add some variety to the team through beard colour.
As I mentioned I prefer the way the Troll Slayers look with helmets, and decided to build them both the same way.
Same story with the Blitzers.

This fine fellow is actually the only conversion on the entire team which is unprecedented for me!!! I cut the right shoulder from the original Runners head, and did A LOT of cutting and trimming on the bare Blitzer's head and Runner's body to make them fit in a way that worked with the pose. I needed to cut the Blitzer's hand and wrist out of the head piece, and I will need to use some GS to fix the beard and fill some little gaps on him. I am happier with this conversion that I hoped I would be.
And last but not least I decided to use the White Dwarf himself as a Runner. I thinkthat holding a ball and rocking some cool looking hair makes him a no brainer for the team. He came broken when I got him, so I added a beard end from the other Blitzer's head and as unexpectedly tied the two runners together nicely.
Not much else needed to do for the team really. I will need to decide what I want to do for basses, and of course decide on a name and colour scheme...
I was thinking that IF I go with a Deathroller on the team, the Necromunda Ambull/Ambot may be a pretty cool option. I could add the bare headed Troll Slayer's head to the model in place of it's regular head and IF I am feeling inspired, an exhaust pipe/funnel.
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