I felt disheartened that GW wasn't selling all of the expansions and decided to sell the whole game. 

I have been able to acquire a copy of Blackstone Fortress for a reasonable price due to a store closing because of this COVID-19 craziness.
I am pretty excited about this game as it can be played solo as well as with friends. It also comes with an impressive array of miniatures, 44 to be exact!!!
It's my intension to use this entry as a progress log of the assembly, painting, and perhaps playing of this exciting game...
April 15th, 2020
Unboxed everything tonight and it looks awesome! I can't wait to get assembling and painting the models!
April 20th, 2020
I made a start on the baddies in the box! I looked to the assembly instructions for inspiration and used the pictured paints to recreate the suggested colors for the Ur-ghouls. The pictures don't show the true colors, but I am really liking the blue/green hue that I achieved. I'm excited to add in the details such as the purple/pink washes on the hands, and face, and the freckles they have on their shoulders and thighs.
I'm unsure about how I am going to paint the basses, so I have decided to leave them all until I can decide what I want them to look like. As such, I haven't stuck any of them on.
There are A LOT of models in this game (44!), and I don't want to burn out painting them. So... I think I will try assembling only what I am going to paint... 4 Ur-ghuls is where I decided to start, and I think I would like to do the 4 spindle drones after that. Then maybe a character!
April 21st, 2020
So I was able to put the finishing touches on the first Ur-Ghoul and finish number two!
I made a wash using the medium and purple, and decided to use the green shade to do the freckles.
April 22nd, 2020
I seem to have the process set for these guys and I was able to get another one completed in just under 2 hours. I left to finish the set. I stopped being SO lazy and pulled out an Underworlds board to use for pics.
I've also been thinking about basses A LOT. Presently I am thinking over the idea of cutting out tonnes of little triangles and building the basses in a mosaic style... I am going to keep reference material for the basses here:
I have completed my first BSF mission! 4 Ur-Ghouls completed! I was actually quite surprised with how small these minis are. I had fun painting them and that it what I am trying to focus on lately. I am very happy with the end results. Now I need to decide what I am going to paint next...
April 24th, 2020
I decided to do the Spindle Drones next! Such awesome models! I'm REALLY excited to get painting these. I have left the tops unglued so that I can get at the details on the body/legs more easily. The plan is that after i'm done painting the legs I put the tops and and finish up. I'm the most excited to paint the Drones' central eye lenses and adding in some OSL.
April 25th, 2020
Spindle Drones are assembled and base coated! I REALLY like how painting the tops separately has created such a clean look to the models.
April 26th, 2020
I managed to complete my first drone last night! The first model is usually the slowest as I am trying to decide on the colours, techniques, etc... I think I ended up painting the legs 3 different ways and painted 3 sets of gems on the legs until I decided to go with glowing lights instead.
Yup! This just happened! 8/44 completed!
April 28th, 2020
So I haven't really been feeling the love for the Negavolt Cultists. But after assembling them last night I am actually excited to paint them! doing some nice warm orange OSL and contrasring it with cool metal and skin tones should be fun to do. They are REALLY nice models. I also had one of my suspicions confirmed. I felt that the Ur-Ghuls and Spindle Drones were really quite small models, and after last night I saw that they are actually smaller than the Cultist who are on 32mm basses. Not really that important, just me being observant.
April 29th, 2020
Well the paint is flying on these guys! Metals finished and weathered. And I just couldn't resist laying down a base coat and wash for the OSL. Next I will paint the skin, robes, and other details, then back to the OSL to finish up.
I managed to complete my first drone last night! The first model is usually the slowest as I am trying to decide on the colours, techniques, etc... I think I ended up painting the legs 3 different ways and painted 3 sets of gems on the legs until I decided to go with glowing lights instead.
Tonight I finished 2 Spindle drones! That's 3 done with one for tomorrow night! SUPER stoked! I want to add a little more OSL to the leg lights and tidy up/brighten the small face lights. I will wait to paint the cute little "dronelings" on the basses until I actually base them.
April 27th, 2020Yup! This just happened! 8/44 completed!
So I haven't really been feeling the love for the Negavolt Cultists. But after assembling them last night I am actually excited to paint them! doing some nice warm orange OSL and contrasring it with cool metal and skin tones should be fun to do. They are REALLY nice models. I also had one of my suspicions confirmed. I felt that the Ur-Ghuls and Spindle Drones were really quite small models, and after last night I saw that they are actually smaller than the Cultist who are on 32mm basses. Not really that important, just me being observant.
April 29th, 2020
Well the paint is flying on these guys! Metals finished and weathered. And I just couldn't resist laying down a base coat and wash for the OSL. Next I will paint the skin, robes, and other details, then back to the OSL to finish up.
Paints used for the metallics and starting the OSL.
I have lost track of dates, but here is some more work on the OSL and the skin.
I really like how the skin came out especially around the implants. I also mixed my own browns for the robes.
Paints I used for skin minus the orange wash.
OSL paints.
May 9th, 2020
I decided to assemble half of the Guard this evening. Man those are beautiful models. These are going to be fun to paint!
May 11th, 2020
So I being kind to myself and trying not to force painting these days. As such I decided to assemble the rest of the Traitor Guard. I am thinking that I will try painting them in twos. I am also going to do my bestto be realistic with my expectations and will not get too crazy trying to make each model different. They are all soldiers after all...
May 21st, 2020
YUP! Hit a burn out with these fine fellows. I wonder how long until I get back to them.....
May 31st, 2020
Back at it! Made a REALLY nice start on the Traitor Guard tonight! All 14 have either Khaki pants or a jacket. I stole GW's way of distinguishing the squads with alternate pants and jackets. Nice and simple. Bone, Agrax wash, bone, bone and white up twice, thinned seraphim to finish.
I am surprised that I feel inspired/excited as opposed to overwhelmed. We will see if that lasts when I get into painting the details! LOL.
June 2nd, 2020
I've finally gotten my hands on this beautiful expansion!!! I am very excited to have an Ambull in my collection. I have read a lot of great reviews for this, and i'm excited to get to it at some point.
I've finally gotten my hands on this beautiful expansion!!! I am very excited to have an Ambull in my collection. I have read a lot of great reviews for this, and i'm excited to get to it at some point.
I decided not to build or paint the Ambull until I am finished painting the Core set.
June 3rd, 2020
So I've managed to be true to my word, and stayed focus on the core box models. I finished the uniforms with the alternating grey pants and jacket.
June 18th, 2020
I have been keeping to my new approach to hobbying/painting, and only doing it when I feel inspired to do so. I think it is working! I made some progress on my Wood Elf team for Blood Bowl, watched a couple of movies, and now I have done the metallics on 6 of the Traitor Guardsmen.
The paints I used are in the pic: Black metal, Gun metal, Silver, Weathered with the orange and Agrax brown washes. Eight to go :)
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