March 29th, 2020
So I've made a start on Hrothgorn's Mantrappers. I decided to keep with the theme of glowing bones for my Underworld's war bands, and for these guys I going for a really weathered/rusty look. I also want to try and keep the colours "cool" with a couple warm features.
I REALLY like the way the cat looks above and I think I am going to try and paint mine that way...
I finished the metals and its weathering/rusting this evening. Pretty happy with everything. I was even able to get a start on the gnoblars' skin (base coat and a wash). I have a feeling that I will be able to get this war band painted relatively quickly... but I have been wrong before. I think I want to paint the big club orange and give it OSL...March 31st, 2020
I have found out that I really enjoy painting green skin! Which is fortunate because these four little guys have a lot of it :P
Next up will be their robes.
April 1st, 2020
I managed to finish up 2 gnoblars! Just "two" more of them to go - the piggy back guys!
I am thinking that I want to incorporate blues onto the arrows flights, and most likely into Hrothgorn himself... pants etc... I'm still very excited to paint the cat in the colours of the artwork on this page.
I'm trying a new approach of pacing myself. I set mini goals (No pun intended) each session and stop after achieving them. I find that I am able to enjoy the sessions more, and I am not feeling burnt out. I am also finding that my painting is becoming more mindful and enjoyable because of this.
April 2nd, 2020
So I didn't get these guys finished, but i did enjoy the session and got a fair bit done. I have enjoyed painting the leather, wood, eyes and teeth, but the most fun has come from painting the amber necklaces and their OSL glow. I was originally going to paint the axe head in this way, but I think I will paint it in a stone shade similar to the base coat in the pictures. I think I will be able to finishe this guy up soon...
I think moving forward with the Beastgrave War Bands I will incorporate amber with OSL into each of them somehow.
April 3rd, 2020
Finished up the last of the Gnoblars! I think I will start in on the cat next.
April 5th, 2020
Well, as I suspected the motivation train has slowed significantly LOL! I managed to get some work done on the MASSIVE crossbow after a couple of nights off. I finished up the wood, which was really fun to do, and I decided to go with a darker metal on the "bow section".
April 6th, 2020
No pics this time. I painted the wrapping on the front of the crossbow, and the flight on the bolt. AND i fixed the chain where it got some wolf grey on it.
April 9th, 2020
I got a bit FURther...
April 11th, 2020
I'm calling this fine fellow done. Now to finish the feline...
April 16th, 2020
FINALLY managed to put paint to model again! I have been using these pieces as reference material and I want to make my model a combination of the two. I am planning to add the stripes to the shoulders of my model. I'm still unsure if I like the pattern on the front legs or if i'm going to go with a more transitional look without the stripes. I also decided that I want to have some amber OSL on this guy (behind his front right leg) to help tie him into the war band.
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