So I am always on the look out for cool conversion ideas, and one of my long term goals is to have a bunch of cool conversion worthy of this awesome chapter. Alas, it seems to me that this goal remains distant at best, mostly due to money. But that won't stop me from coming up with ideas!
So where do I begin when creating my own Primaris Captain within the ranks of the Flesh Tearers? As I am a pretty visual person, the model seems like a pretty logical starting point!
That being said, when I stumbled across the Adrax Agatone model I knew I had found my inspiration/base! So, because i'm old school, I printed of a picture of him and coloured it in to see how it could look.
So now that I have decided upon a base model. The multilayered process of the conversion can begin!!!This blog post will act as both a repository for ideas and a progress log.So what about the fluff!?
I have always wanted to be able to represent the influence that the ferocity of the Fleash Tearer's home world of Cretatia has upon them. The idea of a death world swarming with dinosaurs and all manner of other death worldly goodies is just too good IMHO to not have represented somehow. This is where I thought the Salamander character fits the bill. Flesh Tearers are reported to hunt dinosaurs without armour or weapons, and Adrax's cloak is the perfect representation of a trophy as is the claw trophy on his belt. These elements could perhaps even lend themselves to a cool back story similar to Ragnar Blackmane's in which the as yet unnamed character either passes an impossible trial or has a propensity to regularly walk off into the wild to hone is skills.This piece of art has always been very representative of the Flesh Tearers to me and I feel that Adrax's hand flamer and subtle armour details embodies the chapter's love of assault and spirit of this image perfectly. That being said, The armour's flame detail may need to go as it is VERY "Salamander" and I want the conversion to look like a Blood angel, not a repainted Salamander...
At this point in time I am inclined to say that I like the hammer on the model and think that it fits well enough with an assault minded Flesh Tearer. Perhaps my guy is in the top left of the picture, and was awarded a hammer to replace his fist with when he rose to Captaincy...
I like how following the Horus Heresy successor chapter leaders were chosen based on their unique qualities. Nassir Amit's savage and brutally honest nature, paired with his title of "The Flesh Tearer", are just pure win IMHO. I would like to try and create a background for my Captain that could see him leading his own chapter with traits unique enough to set him apart, but still keep him in line with the values of the Flesh Tearers... Perhaps even modeling his personality traits after Nessir, but replacing his flesh tearing tenancies with a preference for purifying flame!
I was thinking that Hephaestus could make for a fitting name. It is the name of the Greek God of fire who's Roman equivalent is Vulkan! Additionally, he is also the god of blacksmiths, craftsmen and artisans, etc... and reported to be quite ugly! LOL. This name personifies the model nicely I think... Flamer/Fire, hammers, and fancy flames on his armour (granted a trait more common in the Blood Angels chapter, but not too far fetched IMHO)... Now I just need a last name...
Perhaps 2nd company Captain, Master of the Watch is fitting... There are however several
Captain designations to chose from that are worthy of consideration.
So what about the model!?
- The piece of the model that stands out to me at this time as being in need of the most attention is the midsection containing the fire breathing salamander head... Not sure what to do about that at the moment...
- I will need to replace the buckler shield on the right shoulder with either a blood angel or Flesh Tearer specific equivalent.
- I am happy with the head, but wouldn't be opposed to replacing it with a Primaris helmeted head or even a Reiver helm... This might be an appropriate conversion if only to seperate the model a little more from the Salamanders...
- I stumbled across this double headed chain axe and thought it could do the job! They also have a two handed chainsword that would be perfect for Seth
So what about the paint!?
This is an Incendrus Honour worn by flamer-wielding Flesh Tearers to denote their proven mastery of flame and melta weaponry, so I most definitely need to have this present on the armour. I was even thinking of making this Hephaestus' personal heraldry by adding a Flesh Tearer symbol into the bottom of the flame.
As far as other considerations for painting go, I want to keep him pretty standard FT colours...
A decision that may impact this is deciding what company he will lead, and as such what colours need to be incorporated. I am thinking that I can look to the Blood Angels for inspiration in this area, as the information I can find on the Flesh Tearer's 4 companies lack a lot of detail.
So what about the model!?
I am thinking that making Adrax into a Chaplain could be pretty cool!
- I could give him a Reiver helmet in order to satisfy my non-negotiable Chaplain skull helm requirement.
- Swapping his Hammer for a chain axe in order to reflect the character of the force and further separate him from the original mini. I'm not sure if I like the single or double headed chain axe at this time...
- I would also like to sculpt his right shoulder into either a large skull or as being comprised of several small skulls as is seen on other Blood Angels Chaplains.
- He would keep the cloak because of its connection to Cretaitia, and overall coolness.
- And the flamer is just gravy for a chaplain IMHO.
- I could give him a Reiver helmet in order to satisfy my non-negotiable Chaplain skull helm requirement.
- Swapping his Hammer for a chain axe in order to reflect the character of the force and further separate him from the original mini. I'm not sure if I like the single or double headed chain axe at this time...
- I would also like to sculpt his right shoulder into either a large skull or as being comprised of several small skulls as is seen on other Blood Angels Chaplains.
- He would keep the cloak because of its connection to Cretaitia, and overall coolness.
- And the flamer is just gravy for a chaplain IMHO.

So what about the fluff!?
I have ALWAYS felt that Carnarvron High Chaplain/Master of Sanctity deserved a cool model... But I since learned that he succumbed to the black rage and died fighting the Tyranid invasions on Baal.
So, now is the perfect time to create a new High Chaplain and why not have him be a Primaris!?
I am still really liking the Adrax model, for the already discussed reasons. So my ideas for conversion are still centered on him as the base model for the time being.
I still REALLY like the idea of the cloak being representative of a connection to Crietatia, and I think that the flamer and back pack flames are EVEN MORE fitting on a Chaplain!
I would like to swap the thunder hammer to a Chain axe for the Chaplain as IMHO Chaplains reflect the personality of the Chapters they watch over, and nothing is more FT than chain weapons. I am thinking that the Chaplain's Chain axe will incorporate the Chapter's tradition of honouring its heroes by incorporating elements of their weapons into those weilded by present chapter members. As was the case with Blood Reaver:
- Blood Reaver is the massive, two-handed Chainsword wielded in battle by the Flesh Tearers Chapter Master Gabriel Seth. As a butcher wields a cleaver, so does Seth wield Blood Reaver. Rarely has a weapon been so suited to its charge as this massive, two-handed chainsword. Blood Reaver is every bit as unsubtle and savage as the Chapter Master. Forged with teeth taken from the chainfists once worn by the Flesh Tearers' first Chapter Master Nassir Amit, Blood Reaver serves as both armament and banner, its guttural roar a rally cry to the enduring nature of the Flesh Tearers and the violence they will inflict on those before them.
As such, elements from Carnarvron's close combat weapon will be incorporated into my Chaplain character's Chain axe, and I will need to come up with a fitting name for it...
I can envision this fine fellow with his chain axe and hand flamer at the front of any FT force leading by example as he strides through the ranks of the enemy surrounded by purifying flame and fountains of his enemies blood!
I have ALWAYS felt that Carnarvron High Chaplain/Master of Sanctity deserved a cool model... But I since learned that he succumbed to the black rage and died fighting the Tyranid invasions on Baal.
So, now is the perfect time to create a new High Chaplain and why not have him be a Primaris!?
I am still really liking the Adrax model, for the already discussed reasons. So my ideas for conversion are still centered on him as the base model for the time being.
I am still really liking the Adrax model, for the already discussed reasons. So my ideas for conversion are still centered on him as the base model for the time being.
I still REALLY like the idea of the cloak being representative of a connection to Crietatia, and I think that the flamer and back pack flames are EVEN MORE fitting on a Chaplain!
- Blood Reaver is the massive, two-handed Chainsword wielded in battle by the Flesh Tearers Chapter Master Gabriel Seth. As a butcher wields a cleaver, so does Seth wield Blood Reaver. Rarely has a weapon been so suited to its charge as this massive, two-handed chainsword. Blood Reaver is every bit as unsubtle and savage as the Chapter Master. Forged with teeth taken from the chainfists once worn by the Flesh Tearers' first Chapter Master Nassir Amit, Blood Reaver serves as both armament and banner, its guttural roar a rally cry to the enduring nature of the Flesh Tearers and the violence they will inflict on those before them.
As such, elements from Carnarvron's close combat weapon will be incorporated into my Chaplain character's Chain axe, and I will need to come up with a fitting name for it...
I can envision this fine fellow with his chain axe and hand flamer at the front of any FT force leading by example as he strides through the ranks of the enemy surrounded by purifying flame and fountains of his enemies blood!
So what about the model!?
Well... I kind feel he is good to go right out of the box! If I am able to get my hands on a FT shoulder pad then all should be good to go.
So what about the fluff!?
Well, as I mentioned above, I have ALWAYS had a soft spot for Carnarvron the Flesh Tearers High Chaplain/Master of Sanctity, and perhaps this could be the recipient of his geneseed following his death during the Tyranid invasion of Baal. Perhaps he will even be honoured with the same name!
March 26th, 2020
I also want to make a Primaris Librarian for my Flesh Tearer Company. As such, I will be recording my thought process and progress on this project here too.
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