Ripper's Snarlfangs are available! I LOVE Goblins in general, Put them on wolves and I love them even more!
With that being said, I just can't seem to share my love of Night Goblins abouve ALL others! My initial thoughts when I saw this war band was love, then I got to thinking that I could make a counts as team with the new GW Squig Hoppers set. That WOULD be the end of it IF I had the money to do so.... Buuuuuut..... I don't.
So I have been formulating an alternative that involves taking the existing models and sculpting Night Goblin robes on them with GS. This way I get to keep the price reasonable AND sate my NEED for Night Goblin goodness, while using the very cool sculpts that are in the kit!
With that being said, I just can't seem to share my love of Night Goblins abouve ALL others! My initial thoughts when I saw this war band was love, then I got to thinking that I could make a counts as team with the new GW Squig Hoppers set. That WOULD be the end of it IF I had the money to do so.... Buuuuuut..... I don't.
So I have been formulating an alternative that involves taking the existing models and sculpting Night Goblin robes on them with GS. This way I get to keep the price reasonable AND sate my NEED for Night Goblin goodness, while using the very cool sculpts that are in the kit!
Of course, IF I happen to acquire the GW Squig Hoppers then I will run/hop with that idea!
February 28th, 2020
So I picked this war band up today and I will be converting them to be Night Goblins as identified above! VERY exciting!
March 3rd, 2020
So I played a couple of games with the gobos last night and it was a blast! I lost the first game 7-8, and won the last 12-4!!! So much fun! Playing this war band felt very intuitive, which was exciting because I do not feel that way about all of them.
I have made substantial progress on the conversions and I think I am only a night or two away from completing the project! It has entailed A LOT of GS work, and I am hesitant to take pictures until the end so that I can use them to clean everything up... So no pics for now.
March 4th, 2020
The conversion work is complete! Here is the war band together. I am not much of a photographer unfortunately, but the pics are good enough IMHO.
Here's the man/goblin himself Rippa! Weapon swap in addition to moving the flowing wrap to the top of the weapon. Sculpted the long hood (worthy of da boss) and robes from scratch, added a skull complete with straps to the hood for a little extra detail and personality.
March 10th, 2020
I decided to save myself $20 and prime the models by hand rather than buying spray... Pretty happy I did :)
I feel that I have made a solid start on the Snarlfangs! The first wolves skin and fur is finished. I REALLY wanted to paint a classic Fenrisian style wolf... So I did! LOL. Here is a guide I used.
Now I need to decide if I am going to have all of the wolves the same colour, or spice it up... I would like to have Rippa on a grey wolf, but as I mentioned I am not sure what would look the best for the warband...
I decided to go with grey for Rippa's wolf. I have also made a start on the details! Yellow and black are on the model! Goblin skin is done, and the robes are base coated!
March 16th, 2020
Starting to feel that I am getting somewhere: Got the robes painted, highlighted, and washed; spear head and staff painted and weathered, I also put wood grain into the staff; Shield is weathered too; wolves claws are painted black and highlighted, eyes are also painted yellow with black pupils and have purple under them ; Added further highlights to the goblin's skin - Added bone white too Moot green; The wolf robes have triangles and metal studs on them and I am planning to have each goblin slightly different but keeping with the triangle theme. I even made a start on the base!
I am SERIOUSLY considering using OSL on the skulls in the same way i did for my Shadespire and Underworlds war bands to help tie everything in together....
February 28th, 2020
So I picked this war band up today and I will be converting them to be Night Goblins as identified above! VERY exciting!
March 3rd, 2020
So I played a couple of games with the gobos last night and it was a blast! I lost the first game 7-8, and won the last 12-4!!! So much fun! Playing this war band felt very intuitive, which was exciting because I do not feel that way about all of them.
I have made substantial progress on the conversions and I think I am only a night or two away from completing the project! It has entailed A LOT of GS work, and I am hesitant to take pictures until the end so that I can use them to clean everything up... So no pics for now.
March 4th, 2020
The conversion work is complete! Here is the war band together. I am not much of a photographer unfortunately, but the pics are good enough IMHO.
Here's the man/goblin himself Rippa! Weapon swap in addition to moving the flowing wrap to the top of the weapon. Sculpted the long hood (worthy of da boss) and robes from scratch, added a skull complete with straps to the hood for a little extra detail and personality.
Mean-eye got a scratch sculpted hood and robes too. I didn't feel he needed anything else...
Start got... You guessed it! A scratch sculpted hood and robes addition to a spear head swap. I added a spear head from the Night Goblin's sprue.
Now it's time to give them some paint! I think I will stick to pretty traditional colours... Black robes Yellow flames on Rippa's hood, and yellow triangle details on the edges of the others in random areas. I'm still not sure what to do for the wolves just yet, but I am leaning towards cream/brown...
The shields will feature yellow on the outside to represent the Warband's symbol. I will keep to the warmer base colours that I started for Beastgrave when I painted the Wild Hunt models, and I and strongly considering keeping my glowing skull/bone theme going from Shadespire/Underworlds too. I'll need to see how it all works when I get painting.
I decided to save myself $20 and prime the models by hand rather than buying spray... Pretty happy I did :)
I feel that I have made a solid start on the Snarlfangs! The first wolves skin and fur is finished. I REALLY wanted to paint a classic Fenrisian style wolf... So I did! LOL. Here is a guide I used.
Now I need to decide if I am going to have all of the wolves the same colour, or spice it up... I would like to have Rippa on a grey wolf, but as I mentioned I am not sure what would look the best for the warband...
March 11th, 2020
So I have painted the second wolf using the same scheme but with subtle differences (A little darker, and slightly different patterning). And I think that I am happy with the decision for the most part.... I am still unsure what direction to go in for the leader...
Maybe this grey colour scheme would work for the leader...
This pic shows that grey and brown look alright together...
And I think that this pic will make a nice reference piece.
March 15th, 2020I decided to go with grey for Rippa's wolf. I have also made a start on the details! Yellow and black are on the model! Goblin skin is done, and the robes are base coated!
March 16th, 2020
Starting to feel that I am getting somewhere: Got the robes painted, highlighted, and washed; spear head and staff painted and weathered, I also put wood grain into the staff; Shield is weathered too; wolves claws are painted black and highlighted, eyes are also painted yellow with black pupils and have purple under them ; Added further highlights to the goblin's skin - Added bone white too Moot green; The wolf robes have triangles and metal studs on them and I am planning to have each goblin slightly different but keeping with the triangle theme. I even made a start on the base!
I am SERIOUSLY considering using OSL on the skulls in the same way i did for my Shadespire and Underworlds war bands to help tie everything in together....
March 17th, 2020
First Snarlfang is finished!!!! I am happy I went with the glowing skulls! I found a skull and bone on the base I didn't initially realize was there! I decided to paint the snakes as Tiger snakes given that they are highly venomous AND are yellow and black! So that leaves two to finish.
March 22nd, 2020
Stabit and Mean eye are finished! And i'm really happy with the OSL on the bones.
I've started in on Rippa, but i'm not sure if my ideas have transferred well to the model... The checkers are the pieces i'm unsure about. I like the checkers where Rippa is sitting, but i'm unsure about the leg and whether it should be triangles the the others.
As I look more at Rippa, I am thinking that making his sickle yellow NMM like the Wild hunt may be a good idea!
March 23rd, 2020
I was able to do a fair bit of work on Rippa tonight. Tidied up the checkers to a level that I think I am happy enough with that I can leave them alone now :P
Base coated black, and green. I was able to get a wash onto the green. And the most exciting piece last night was the sickle! I decided to go with "Amber NMM" like I did for the Wild Hunt. I will also be using OSL on this to add some more personality to the model. I am excited to see how the warm OSL Sickle and cool bones OSL look together.
March 24th, 2020
Got some more work done on Rippa! Highlighted/shaded all of the black, most of the base is finished, based the OSL bones and added the first shade, added toenail/fingernails/teeth and shaded them, did some browns, AND added some BOSS details to the cloak and hood. These models are taking me longer than I expected, but I am having fun with the process.
March 25th, 2020
I'm FINISHED!!!!! Added the last few details. The OSL on the bones went well, and I would say that i'm not too dissapointed with the Sickle's OSL. I liked painting the tarantula on the base, the skull on its abdomen was fun to do. So now the war band is finished and ready to wreak havoc in the Beastgrave!!! That is of course when COVID-19 allows them to do so.
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