February 3rd 2022
I managed to get my motivation back for this beautiful game and now I am starting in on Stealer number 6 of 22. Let’s see how this goes!

So apparently I am trying my hand at Necromancy! I am resurrecting my Space Hulk project! When I left the project I had made a healthy start on the Terminators, and thankfully I painted all of the armour. This has relieved SOME of the stress about replicating the "feel" of the team. I have 5 Blood Angels and a Chalice left to complete for the Blood Angel's half of the game. I decided to start with Lorenzo. LOTS of gems and details on him!
I am thinking that I may try contrast paints for the Genestealers as it is such a big project given the number of pieces. I am looking forward to painting the Brood Lord.
I also have a partially finished Deathwing project that I would like to complete. I don't have all of the models for a complete team as of yet, so I think I will stay focused on the Blood Angels and Genestealers for now.
I have found a lot of extra rules for the game through Face Book groups with Chapter specific material, characters (CHAPLAINS!!!!!), and weapons. So there is a lot of room for growth with game play and modeling projects for me. The main challenge will be staying focused and finishing projects before starting new ones!
November 13th, 2019
Finished up Lorenzo's gems, and posted the pic abouve.
November 14th, 2019
Silvers, glowy eye, and the sword are now done. I am happy enough with the sword, and the OSL. But i'm not sure if i need to highlight the silvers further. I will need to make closer comparisons with the completed models in order to decide.
November 19th, 2019
I am donzo Lorenzo! It felt like this guy took FOR EVER!!!! Nice tabletop standard mini. 4 to go!

November 20th, 2019
Managed to get a nice start on the purity seals for Brother Zael. 4 Layers and a wash done. Next up is the text.
I also have more motivation to work on these guys as a Kill Team group is forming up and these are the only 40K models I have to use.
November 21st, 2019
Made a fair bit of progress tonight. Cables, lots of suit OSL, writing on the purity seals/scrolls, gems (red/blue&green), Special shoulder and leg shields. Next up is to finish the Heavy flamer, then paint the freehand heraldry for the finish!
November 22nd, 2019
I am calling Zael done... Not literally, I'm still calling him Zael...but he is finished.
I enjoyed doing the free hand heraldry on the shoulder pad, and his name was fun to paint too. All in all i'm pretty happy with him. Just three more to go! Doesn't sound like much, but we will see. Then it's onto the daunting prospect of 22 Genestealers mounted on scenic bases!!!
November 24th, 2019
I painted A LOT of purity seals on Brother Noctis last night! I thought Zael had a lot of them until I pick this fine fellow up! I also completed the personal herladry on his shoulderpad, and made a healthy start on his knee. Gems, silver metal, storm bolter, Powerfist scope, and OSL goodness left to do.
December 3rd, 2019
The shadow stirs! Managed to prime everyone!
22 Genestealers and a Broodlord ready for some paint! The plan is to start by dry brushing the metallic elements of the bases, weathering them, and then start on the base details like skulls, helmets, and cables...
December 4th, 2019
Maintaining the momentum with the Stealers. All 23 "basses" are painted to this stage. Base coated, Agrax earth shade and black wash, dry-brushed with base colour, Casandora yellow for the rust.
Darker than I wanted.... Will try and lighten things up... I found a nice tutorial.
October 21st, 2020
Just wanted to have these guys present so that I am less likely to forget about them.
February 3rd 2022
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