I LOVE goblins, and I figured that after placing third in our local Underworlds tournament with my Orcs is was the perfect time to try a different warband. I just got them based last night, and I will be playing my first game with them on Friday.
April 4th, 2019
I made a good start on the Gits last night. I gave them three layers of highlights using Nihilikn Oxide and black on all but the "test model". I took the test model up another two levels and finished with pure oxide extreme highlights. The skin was added to check how it all fits together. I will wash and highlight using the original color and adding white. I am also thinking about adding ping to the mix on the noses and lips...
I am the most excited about painting the Squig Herder's cauldron and brand!!! I have not painted fire or glowing embers and I am looking forward to the challenge!
April 7th, 2019
Robes and skin are finished, and I also painted in red eyes. For the skin, I went with basing green, giving it a wash, re-applying the base colour, and then mixing in a little white for the final highlight. Next up are the teeth, and then I will start in on the weapons and armour. These guys are SO small!
April 25th, 2019
So my Blood Bowl team has had most of my attention lately. Thats because playing with a painted team makes Nuffle less likely to make you roll skulls! LOL!!! But now I am ready to focus on the Goblins again, becasue painted warbands score more glory and roll more crits! LOL.I was able to make a good start on the metallics, based, agrax washed, and "rusted", still a little more to do. While that was drying I decided to base the "wood", I was pretty surprised with just how much wood there actually was. I'm really excited to be working on these guys again :)
April 28th, 2019
OK! So it has been a little while since the last update. I started out the evening highlighting the browns, which was fun enough, I even allowed myself a little treat and painted the net! But then I started to feel a little bored with the monotone nature of the project so far.
SO, I painted some Squigs! SUPER fun to paint! I went with the classic red skin and purple gums, I tried a nice pink for the fresh brand which I am pretty happy with. I am excited to do the next squig, as he will be holding a glowing bone in his mouth, and this will be a great test to see if my glowing bones on all war bands idea is going to work or not!
I am also realizing that batch painting is probably not the most fun way for me to go... I like that it ensure consistency with the models, but it gets SOOOO boring! I think I will need to think up a way of "batching" common elements like armour, robes, etc... to keep the war bands/teams congruent, and then finish models individually from that point on to keep it fun...
All the painting progress aside... I can't win a game with the Gobos for the life of me! Last night I managed to score 3 glory and inspire the lot, but my opponents each scored 12!!! I'm tempted to give up with them all together and give the awesomely bashy Magore's Fiends a go!!! But perhaps 3 ways are killing me and I need to do some 1:1 in order to learn how to play them before I give up all together...
April 29th, 2019
Here is the first crack at glowing bone for the Goblins... Not too bad IMHO. I based with wolf grey, washed with the oxide, and then highlighted with increasing white/oxide mixes. These have got to be THE SMALLEST EYES I have EVER painted! LOL! The Squig on the right has a skull in a pool of water on his base so that should be fun to do.
April 30th, 2019
I did a little more work on the last squid. Gave him a sepia wash, and darkened the oxide on the bone. I also washed the brands and added brown to the skin around the brands.
Apparently I am feeling the need to add colour to these dark cave dwelling fellows... I painted their quivers and dagger sheaths. Brown and dark red base colour, with a straight dark red highlight, and finished of with a light sepia wash.Then I did the teeth. I am hoping that this addition is also able to give them some much needed (and presently lacking) bite on the table top! :P
A little picture heavy... I have essentially finished the archer and netter goblins. I gave the netter a glowy mushroom, and one of the archers has a fun little quiver full of spotted white mushrooms.
Drizgit got some love. I painted his brand stick and ended up giving the coals a really nice finish IMHO of course. I added a little OSL to the mushroom too.
I decided to challenge myself and give skarsnick a glass flask with a glowing, bubbling beverage inside... Definitely NOT perfect, but it will do.
I even got around to painting more onto the man himself! I like how the yellow on the hood turned out, and I surprised myself with the big eye! I think I will have to go back and give all of the gobos pupils now...
May 6th, 2019
Zarbag got some more attention last night. I have finished the contents of his cauldron, touched up the metallics, and added glowing bones to the cauldron and his hood.
I am glad that I am enjoying the process of painting mushrooms, glow effects, and new "hot" glows, because I have A LOT of them all coming up when I start on the basses.
I am having a strange contradictory experience of feeling as though I an both making progress, and have a LONG way to go before I am finished...
May 15th, 20197 of the 9 basses have been edged in black, and some REALLY fun base details have been finished! A glowing bone, spotted purple beetles, glowing fire, a glowing skull in water (with water effect), gold coins, and of course a fun coloured mushroom here and there! I finished the evening off by trimming the minis' pegs and glueing them down!I just have Zarbag and Snirk to go, and the war band is complete!!!
May 16th, 2019
I think I have one more night's work ahead of me and the war band will be finished!!!!
I have finished all but one feature! Snirk is done, now all I have left is the glow on Zarbag's sniffer spite!!! Super fun war band to paint, but it feels like it has taken FOREVER!
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