I am well underway with the Ironskull War band and having a blast with them. I have historically struggled with yellow, but things are coming along nicely so far IMHO. primed black, Base coat of Averland sunset, Agrax earthshade wash, re-apply Averland Sunset, highlight with Averland sunset and increasing mix of sunburst yellow, Final highlight with previous mix and skull white. Touch up darkest recesses with Agrax earthshade and support transitions with Sepia wash. I will be adding armour scrapes and exposed/weathered metal in final stages...
Feb 25th 2019
I'm still having a blast painting yellow armour. And I am LOVING the fact that there are only 4 models in this warband, it really makes it feel like I am making progress :P The plan is to paint all of the models to the same stage, then move onto the next element... Skin, cloth, weapons etc... Then come back and add weathering to them all. Kinda like batch painting, but with a little twist. I think that this will help me to keep the techniques I use consistent between the models. Next up is the big guy himself!
Well I have finished the first phase of the Boy'z armour and made a start on the skin! IRL the skin has a kind of blue/green hue to it which is growing on me, and fits with my vision of the City's claim on those that dare to enter it.
To achieve this skin tone I used a Black basecoat, and applied Warboss green, then I did a Biel-Tan Green wash, re-applied Warboss green leaving recesses untouched, and finally added Ushabti bone to Warboss green for approximately 3 highlights.
Mar 3rd/4th, 2019
So I finished up the skin on the Boyz and decided to add a thin glaze of Biel-Tan green to darken them a little. Next up are the weapons. I am thinking that I want to use my ghostly blue/green to add in as highlights on the metal and black pieces of the armour... I am also thinking about painting all of the skulls on my models in the same way as I did for the sepulchral guard... Kind of showing that death is not a release from the city, and that even trophies are Nagash's.
So I think I finished the weapons last night, but I have a feeling that I want to do a little more to them...I'm not sure what that is yet though... As it stands I based with boltgun metal, washed with Nuln oil, agrax earthshade, and the orange wash, then went back with boltgun metal...
Mar 5th, 2019
I went back and added some general and edge highlighting to the weapons with mithril siver, and I like the look. I also painted the teeth, tongues, and made a start on the black. For the black I decided to highlight with blue/green to keep with the feel of the city.
I have an Idea where I want to paint all of the skulls and bones on my warbands to look like they are glowing (the same way that I painted my Sepulchral Guard)
Mar 10th, 2019
The end is fast approaching! I have added weathering to the armour using dark brown and metallics, Highlighted the black using blue/green and weathered it too, added the armour's markings, painted the bases, and took a gamble by painting the skulls both on the orcs and the bases to look like they are glowing and giving them OSL. I am very happy with how this looks, so I will paint the glow effect into the bases' cracks and around the roots, I think I will have this be a consistent theme throughout all of the warbands. Next I will finish the grip wraps on the weapons, touch it all up, and that should be it! This has been a really fun project to date, but I am ready to move onto the next one...
Mar 11th, 2019
Da Boyz Iz Dun!!!!!
I tidied everything up last night (almost). I did add OSL to the cracks in the bases, and then went and changed it back because it didn't look quite right. I also cleaned up the OSL on the skulls to make them more blue/green. I painted the weapon wraps and added more weathering to the weapons. I DID however see that I need to fix the eyes up a little... But in my defense, my own eyes are the problem! I can't see most mistakes until i take pictures of the models! LOL! So now it is onto the next projectsss!
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