As such, I have been thinking of color schemes to use... I really like that shadespire is a gloomy city, and I want to reflect that in my Warband's paintjobs. As such I am thinking that I want to incorporate the ominous green/blue look of the game into my painting.
My Orcs are more than likely going to be the first up. I really like the color scheme that they are given on the box, so I think I will go with a slightly darker version of it using blue/green to highlight the black armour.
Following the Orcs will be the Sepulchral Guard. I will paint the Warband's bones using the below pic for reference. I like that the bones are green/blue and that the jewellery remains unchanged. My plan is to have the Guard look like ghosts, but their armour and equipment are "real" in order to represent how they can be resurrected. To further emphasise this contrast, I will use object source lighting (OSL) coming from the "ghost bones".
I am still thinking about what to do for the other Warbands...
So I have finally put paint to model! And I am pretty happy with the results so far. I primed with Corax grey, washed with Adab black, then the oxide colour. I have highlighted about three shades higher adding white each time. The Harvester and slashing petitioner are up to final highlight level.
The Harvesters cloak was fun too! Black, and increments of wolf get for the highlights, finishing off with a dot technique to add texture. I think I may add a brown wash to represent dirt, and OSL from the bones...
I have finished my first Shadespire model! I was able to make the "Harvester" very close to what I had envisioned for the Warband. I am happy with the rusty metal, Scythe's haft, and robes. But I have to say that I am really pleased with the bones and OSL, I feel like I took a risk not going with regular bone, and I am glad that I did.
Having a cold has significantly slowed my progress on these beautiful models, but certainly not my motivation or enjoyment of them.
I decided to go with GW's suggested Purple for the war band's colour. I kept with my theme of worn clothing, and rusted equipment that the "spirit skeletons" resurrect into. I have subtle purple on the Petitioner's shield which turned out really nice IMHO. I will reserve purple to shields and the Warden's cloak, and try to keep it dark and subtle. I also started to play around with my techniques a little. The rust is a BLAST to paint, and I have added more contrast to the OSL. I am interested to see how things progress. 4 to go!!!
I have been able to keep making some progress despite my relentless cold. I have officially passed the half way mark for this war band with the completion on the final Petitioner, and a solid start on the Prince. I have to say that these models are a blast to paint and are full of awesome details. I am REALLY looking forward to painting the Champion and Warden! But as I said, I am hard pressed to pick a favourite.
Heavy snow, and of course my cold led to me deciding to stay home from games night last night. But I put the time to good use! I have completed the Prince except for his base OSL, it was late and the wash was still wet.
I am happy with how my weathered purple shields are turning out, and I like the corroding weapons too.
This now brings me to a grand total of 5 Miniatures completed! If all goes well I will be starting in on the Champion tonight!
This is indeed a happy day! I have completed my first ever Shadespire warband! I am very happy with how these guys turned out. The cloak for the Warden was a challenge and I ended up repainting it after I was not happy with the first attempt. I used a progressive mix of GW purple and the oxide colour, which I feel keeps the cold theme/feel of the war band.
I feel that the warband has a nice cold colour scheme which is offset nicely by the warmth of the rusty weapon's orange/browns, and the purples of the shields and Warden's cloak. I am really excited to get started on the Orcs next!
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