I am really happy with the theme of my DE team. As I mentioned before, being able to combine multiple references into one team makes me very happy. This present team combines GW Dark Elves, Clash of the Titans, & Jason and the Argonaughts which makes me smile inside.
September 21st, 2018

September 24th, 2020
I couldn't resist putting a Blitzer together and clipping a Melusai off of the sprue for size comparison. I am NOT disappointed! These models are AWESOME, and IMHO the scale is bang on. But here are some pics so that you can decide for yourselves.
I couldn't resist putting a Blitzer together and clipping a Melusai off of the sprue for size comparison. I am NOT disappointed! These models are AWESOME, and IMHO the scale is bang on. But here are some pics so that you can decide for yourselves.
I am confident that I can achieve a satisfactory result without too much headache. Apart from possibly a few minor conversions such as hand swaps, and/or head positions to add a little variety to the Blitzers, I am REALLY stoked and happy with them.
As far as assembly went... I read a lot of comments on line from people saying how small and fiddly the Dark Elves were to assemble, and didn't give them a second thought TBH. That was of course until I went to put the Blitzer together! LOL! The models are beautiful, but I can't help but think that GW got a little too "into character" and are having a sadistic little chuckle at our expense, as we experience full blown anxiety attacks when a TEENY WEENY piece slips from our grip and skitters across the floor, only to be found after 5 minutes of frantic searching on our hands and knees!!!
As far as assembly went... I read a lot of comments on line from people saying how small and fiddly the Dark Elves were to assemble, and didn't give them a second thought TBH. That was of course until I went to put the Blitzer together! LOL! The models are beautiful, but I can't help but think that GW got a little too "into character" and are having a sadistic little chuckle at our expense, as we experience full blown anxiety attacks when a TEENY WEENY piece slips from our grip and skitters across the floor, only to be found after 5 minutes of frantic searching on our hands and knees!!!
All joking aside, GW has been putting out some really great kits with TONNES of detail, and I enjoy the challenge of assembly. I think that the snake helms looks great, and fit perfectly with my vision, and more importantly the model itself. I am also really happy with the scale of the Melusai/Witch. She even fits nicely on the team's bases.

September 25th, 2020
I have long ago come to terms with my at times seemingly masochistic need to convert almost every model that crosses my path, but I fear that I have fallen to an entirely new depth of self-punishment/reward with my latest flesh/plastic sculpting project! Given that I am working on Dark Elves it was only natural that the mindset of the Haemonculi and their insatiable desire to sculpt flesh occupied my mind.
As many of us know the new GW Dark Elf blood bowl team (and several other newer GW kits) has taken the range to a new painfully exquisite level of detail, AND complexity. Apparently not satisfied with the challenge of building the Dark Elf kit as is, my mind dreamt up the idea of using Melusai as Withches. This seemed like a relatively simple idea at the time, but the realization of the vision has my brain working over time problem solving, and my modeling skills stretched to their capacity and beyond! My plan is to use this post as a living record of my progress with the Witch Elves rather than having multiple progress posts. Yes, I am making two of them, and of course they will need to be unique.
So here is my progress to date. As you can see, the scale of the Witches is actually a little smaller than that the team. I noticed this the most when I compared torso sizes. I am okay with the minor scale change as I envision Witch Elves to be thinner and more agile than their kin.
The conversion work began on September 24th 2018 with me drilling, pinning, and attaching the torso to the tail. This provided me with a much more manageable piece to work with than just the torso alone. Next I looked to the addition of arms to the torso...Sounds simple enough right? I feel that I have achieved a look that hides the complexity of the work well, but that was not easy due to each arm comprising of three pieces. I used the Upper arms of the bow wielding Melusai and cut them off jus above the elbow. I then removed the left arm of the BB Witch just above the elbow, did some more cutting and filing to get the pieces to fit in a natural looking way, and pinned them. FYI if you are planning this yourself, the arms are about a half mm thicker than my drill bit, so be careful! To complete the left arm I then attached the heart holding hand from the BB kit. For the right arm I used the arrow holding arm from the Melusai kit, Cut it off just above the elbow, and had to cut and sculpt it to work in the pose I wanted. I then drilled and pinned this arm too, and finally attached the ridiculously small bladed thumb.
And that is my progress to date! I have yet to clean up the work I have done, and my mind is running wild with the other potential conversions needed, but I am pretty excited with what I have so far. Stay tuned for more.
September 25th, 2018
Well that went a lot quicker and easier than I had anticipated! I made some pretty significant progress on the first Witch last night. I pinned the head, chose and attached hair, finalized the base positioning that I like and placed a pin for future attachment, and added the bladed lanyards from the original model. next up will be to add the collected hearts to her belt, tidy everything up and smooth out the joins with Green Stuff.
The second Witch will be called Euryale the Tenacious after the other Sister of Medusa...
October 1st, 2018
I made some more progress on my Witches. I am pretty much following the same strategy as with the first Witch. This will help to keep the team consistent looking. The arms are again each a three piece construction, positioning of the bladed arm was a bit of a struggle, but I am happy with how I have it now, I am also pleased with the lanyard placement. Still a fair bit to do until the pieces are finished, but they are looking good IMHO, and when I see them side by side I feel that they are similar enough to show that they are the same positional, but different enough to keep me happy.
I felt that I needed to take it little further with the team fluff wise, and the above pic was just what I needed. Given that Hag Graef is a city carved into a cold dark canyon, and Gorgons generally live in caves, this image really caught my eye! It also helped me to explain why my Line Elves have the helmets that they do. I have one more line Elf to complete for the roster, then it is time to green stuff their necks.As many of us know the new GW Dark Elf blood bowl team (and several other newer GW kits) has taken the range to a new painfully exquisite level of detail, AND complexity. Apparently not satisfied with the challenge of building the Dark Elf kit as is, my mind dreamt up the idea of using Melusai as Withches. This seemed like a relatively simple idea at the time, but the realization of the vision has my brain working over time problem solving, and my modeling skills stretched to their capacity and beyond! My plan is to use this post as a living record of my progress with the Witch Elves rather than having multiple progress posts. Yes, I am making two of them, and of course they will need to be unique.
So here is my progress to date. As you can see, the scale of the Witches is actually a little smaller than that the team. I noticed this the most when I compared torso sizes. I am okay with the minor scale change as I envision Witch Elves to be thinner and more agile than their kin.
The conversion work began on September 24th 2018 with me drilling, pinning, and attaching the torso to the tail. This provided me with a much more manageable piece to work with than just the torso alone. Next I looked to the addition of arms to the torso...Sounds simple enough right? I feel that I have achieved a look that hides the complexity of the work well, but that was not easy due to each arm comprising of three pieces. I used the Upper arms of the bow wielding Melusai and cut them off jus above the elbow. I then removed the left arm of the BB Witch just above the elbow, did some more cutting and filing to get the pieces to fit in a natural looking way, and pinned them. FYI if you are planning this yourself, the arms are about a half mm thicker than my drill bit, so be careful! To complete the left arm I then attached the heart holding hand from the BB kit. For the right arm I used the arrow holding arm from the Melusai kit, Cut it off just above the elbow, and had to cut and sculpt it to work in the pose I wanted. I then drilled and pinned this arm too, and finally attached the ridiculously small bladed thumb.
And that is my progress to date! I have yet to clean up the work I have done, and my mind is running wild with the other potential conversions needed, but I am pretty excited with what I have so far. Stay tuned for more.
September 25th, 2018
Well that went a lot quicker and easier than I had anticipated! I made some pretty significant progress on the first Witch last night. I pinned the head, chose and attached hair, finalized the base positioning that I like and placed a pin for future attachment, and added the bladed lanyards from the original model. next up will be to add the collected hearts to her belt, tidy everything up and smooth out the joins with Green Stuff.
I really like the look of this player. I feel that she combines the cool parts of each of the models used to make her, I mean Witches and medusa!? WIN WIN! I feel that she fits with the aesthetic of the team quite well while still standing out just enough. I wanted to create a dynamic piece that represents the positional's agility and ferocity, and I feel like I was able to do so with the positioning of the hair, lanyards, head, arms, and torso to create the illusion of movement. I have decided to name this piece Stheno the Unsatiable, who is as being the most aggressive of Medusa's sisters, having killed more men than either of her siblings.
Now, as I said, I need to finish this model up and start thinking about what I want the second Witch to look like...The second Witch will be called Euryale the Tenacious after the other Sister of Medusa...
October 1st, 2018
I made some more progress on my Witches. I am pretty much following the same strategy as with the first Witch. This will help to keep the team consistent looking. The arms are again each a three piece construction, positioning of the bladed arm was a bit of a struggle, but I am happy with how I have it now, I am also pleased with the lanyard placement. Still a fair bit to do until the pieces are finished, but they are looking good IMHO, and when I see them side by side I feel that they are similar enough to show that they are the same positional, but different enough to keep me happy.
August 11th, 2020
Made a fair bit of progress on the Dark Elves last night! Blitzers are finished, two Witch elves are built, two runners are finished, an Apothacary, and I have 8 Line elves completed. I have bare heads on the latest line elves, but I think I may do a helmet comversion on the others which involves sculpting the existing helmet crest to look like a snake head...
August 12th, 2020
I don't know why I do this to myself, but I had an idea to make the remaining line elves more tied in with the rest of the team by making their helmet decorations snakes... A little trimming, some green stuff, and me pretending that I could see what I was doing, and voila! Now i'm not sure if I should do them all like this or not...
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