Ever since I saw this picture I knew that the Anvils of the Heldenhammer were the Stormcast Eternals host for me! Once I read their background it was guaranteed. I was really drawn to the dark color scheme and background. The art caught my eye because of the way the black armour was painted. it has a NMM look to it, but remains true to the fluff as black.
I am never going to build an AOS army, so I saw Shadespire as the perfect opportunity to paint some of these lads and lasses up. I picked up a GW intro paint set a few weeks back that came with 3 great push fit models inside. I felt they would be great as alternates to Severin Steelheart's warband. Of course I will be painting Severin's warband up in this style too, but I really like the "ghost hunter" style of these models, which is why I will be using them as my primary models.
The progress is slow, and the learning curve is steep. But I am having fun. Knowing that there are only three models in the Warband also helps to maintain motivation and doesn't make the project feel too overwhelming. (10/21/18)
I got some more work done on the robes tonight. I think that I am going to paint the "sleeves" red despite GW showing them to be leather brown... I think it will look cooler. The armour is up after that and I am super nervous/excited as hell to do it! (10/22/18)
I painted the sleeves last night, updated the lightning bolts, and started on the pauldron's hammer. (10/23//18)
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