So I like to have themes for my Blood Bowl teams, and I was really struggling with the goblins for some reason... I love all of the classic Night Goblin imagery... The Bad Moon, Black robes, Mushrooms/toadstools and potions, as well as their sneaky, cruel, and jealous personalities/natures... I feel that I have been able to incorporate these elements into the team as it stands today, but I have always felt that there was something missing. Then the other day a friend posted their completed Goblin team and it had three Trolls. I only had two at the time, and it was in my search for a third that inspiration came to me when I found the Battle for Skull Pass Troll model! (After I am finished with him I think he will fit in nicely with the rest of the team.)
Goblins HATE Dwarves! this guy holding up some Dwarven architecture helped me to see what had been right in front of my face the whole time. That was going to be the theme! My team's (the Nine Peaks Night Caps) background will be based on their victory over the Nine Peaks Mountain range's Dwarven clan. The plundering, looting, and occupation of their halls, repurposing of their breweries, and subsequent discovery and possession of their subterranean Blood Bowl Pitch. (I like this idea in part because I can use the Skaven/Dwarf pitch from GW for three teams this way, Skaven, Dwarves, & Gobos.)
I started my Dwarf hating conversions with a Gobo turn counter made from.... you guessed it! the Dwarven counter! I added a Night Goblin banner, and shield to cover the dwarf iconography (as you do when you're a Gobo), and some toadstools for good measure. I then added toadstools to one of the GW Goblin BB coins (I really like the Bad Moon on them), and a boiling over pot of toadstool potion onto the other.
Next up I think I will have my pogoer mounted on something Dwarven... A BB Dwarf helmet or perhaps even on the back of the head of a face down Dwarf player. I will make the bases to fit with the GW board by using plasticard over top of the standard bases, carving lines into them, and using Green Stuff to sculpt the cool little Dwarf knots onto them.
I would also like to add some skulls, blood, bomb scorch marks, and toadstools for good measure. So there is my vision at long last. Now it's just a case of finding the time to make it a reality.
Goblins HATE Dwarves! this guy holding up some Dwarven architecture helped me to see what had been right in front of my face the whole time. That was going to be the theme! My team's (the Nine Peaks Night Caps) background will be based on their victory over the Nine Peaks Mountain range's Dwarven clan. The plundering, looting, and occupation of their halls, repurposing of their breweries, and subsequent discovery and possession of their subterranean Blood Bowl Pitch. (I like this idea in part because I can use the Skaven/Dwarf pitch from GW for three teams this way, Skaven, Dwarves, & Gobos.)
I started my Dwarf hating conversions with a Gobo turn counter made from.... you guessed it! the Dwarven counter! I added a Night Goblin banner, and shield to cover the dwarf iconography (as you do when you're a Gobo), and some toadstools for good measure. I then added toadstools to one of the GW Goblin BB coins (I really like the Bad Moon on them), and a boiling over pot of toadstool potion onto the other.
Next up I think I will have my pogoer mounted on something Dwarven... A BB Dwarf helmet or perhaps even on the back of the head of a face down Dwarf player. I will make the bases to fit with the GW board by using plasticard over top of the standard bases, carving lines into them, and using Green Stuff to sculpt the cool little Dwarf knots onto them.

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