A Token Effort!

So I have made a fair bit of progress on the team. All of the players are painted to the same stage as the pictured Blitzer. I have found myself in quite a new position in that I am actually playing Blood Bowl in a league wheres I am usually just painting and collecting models, not using them! It is a great experience and quite motivating.
I have marked out positionals with shoe colours:
Blitzer = Red
Catcher = Yellow
Thrower = White
Line Elf = Brown

For the tokens I have chosen to stick with my original plan of having all team tokens in patina brass with team/race specific details. The elves' token shown above features gems. I also made an apothecary token by sculpting the Oriour (Blood, Birth) rune onto a coin

Then I decided to try my hand at painting a ball in the team colours and had a blast getting the gems right! 

I added sand to the bases the other night in preparation for them to be grassed. I need to paint leather straps on the players, add a little more wash to help some details to pop, and I am done! All said and done, I am having a blast painting, converting, and playing Blood Bowl! 
