Here we go!

I have managed to put paint to model! The Ellyrian Lightning continue on their journey to playing in style!
After assembling and mildly converting this amazingly detailed team, I decided that I wanted a light color scheme which draws heavily from the GW High Elf models, but is not a direct replication of it. My team hails from Ellyrion, a beautiful Kingdom famed for its horses who are said to be "the swiftest and most noble of four-legged beasts". Given that the Elven Union team is an agility team that plays a quick pass based game, I felt that Ellyrion was a fluffy and appropriate choice for them. Ellyrion is described as being a land of "Gentle summers and mild winters, of sweeping plains, azure skies and heady pollen" As such I have chosen Silver, White, and Baby blue as the team colors to reflect the tranquil images that the description of Ellyrion conjures in my mind.
The armour will be a bright shinny silver, as is only fitting for the elves IMHO, and it will add a "flash" to them on the pitch that ties in with their name. Their uniform will be white, and I will use baby blue as the accent color. I decided to add socks to my models to break up all the white of the uniform, and to add some interest and originality to the models. 

I have started with a Line Elf that I converted from a Catcher's body, and used a wet palette for the first time. I definitely need to fine tune my technique with the pallette, but I am really enjoying it. Here is what I have so far.


