January 31st, 2018
So After making it to the end of my Shadespire Hex project, I have of course predictably extended the project! LOL!
I am now going to add a second set of hexes AND I would REALLY like to make 2-4 Shardfall hexes too.
Here are the first three pieces with the start of the next three. Of course the pillars are going to undergo a GREAT deal of cutting and chopping in order to fit in with the theme/feel of the decaying city that they are to represent. I decided to model the first set of hexes to replicate the art of the board areas that they are covering in the game. For the next set I am going to be doing a pillar theme, I LOVE pillars!
September 16th, 2019
WOW! I am SUPER excited to share some significant progress on this project! WE HAVE PAINT!!!!! 3X Hex is competed, the ruble pile is a glowing orc skull away from completion, and I have started on the stairs!!!
This was a REALLY fun build, and painting it was awesome! I used the board for reference with the colors, weathering, and lighting. Looking at it now I think that the "dark side' could do with being a little darker, but I am happy with the end result and more than happy to use it in my upcoming games.
Not surprisingly the painting is taking a little longer than initially thought. I still need to finish the skull on the rubble pile. It's all good though, because I got a lot of work done on the staircase! I am really having fun playing around with the "extreme contrast" of this project. You can see what I mean when you look at the grey edges of the stairs. Next up is the back and recesses of the staircase.
So After making it to the end of my Shadespire Hex project, I have of course predictably extended the project! LOL!
I am now going to add a second set of hexes AND I would REALLY like to make 2-4 Shardfall hexes too.
Here are the first three pieces with the start of the next three. Of course the pillars are going to undergo a GREAT deal of cutting and chopping in order to fit in with the theme/feel of the decaying city that they are to represent. I decided to model the first set of hexes to replicate the art of the board areas that they are covering in the game. For the next set I am going to be doing a pillar theme, I LOVE pillars!
September 16th, 2019
WOW! I am SUPER excited to share some significant progress on this project! WE HAVE PAINT!!!!! 3X Hex is competed, the ruble pile is a glowing orc skull away from completion, and I have started on the stairs!!!
This was a REALLY fun build, and painting it was awesome! I used the board for reference with the colors, weathering, and lighting. Looking at it now I think that the "dark side' could do with being a little darker, but I am happy with the end result and more than happy to use it in my upcoming games.
I had a good time building this piece, as there were a number of technical challenges with it being two stories. Again I used the board for reference for design, color, and weathering. This was especially fun to paint given the opportunity to paint more OSL. The pictures don't really do it justice, but IRL it ties in nicely with the feel of the board. The darker green glow on the wall works well with the distant light green light source. The walls get progressively darker which I am happy with, and I am especially happy with the checkered floors on the inside.
Stay tuned and "watch this space" for the exciting conclusion of this 16 month project!!! LOL!
September 17th, 2019Not surprisingly the painting is taking a little longer than initially thought. I still need to finish the skull on the rubble pile. It's all good though, because I got a lot of work done on the staircase! I am really having fun playing around with the "extreme contrast" of this project. You can see what I mean when you look at the grey edges of the stairs. Next up is the back and recesses of the staircase.
September 17th, 2019
I DID IT!!!!! Project complete! I've never painted such extreme highlights and shading on a model before, I felt like I was taking a big risk, but it has definitely paid off IMHO. The skulls are done too. Now i'm ready for games night in style.... once i've finished painting all of the other warbands of course!!!
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