As most of my miniature stuff is in storage at the moment I set about using what I have at hand. I actually became quite inspired and was able to create a Captain for my Orc Blood Bowl team the WEST COAST WYVERNS. I opted to make a "counts as" Varag Ghoul-Chewer using an extra Orruk Brute that I had lying around after converting the other 4 from the box into BOBs (Black Orc Blockers).

Theme wise, I wanted the Captain to be able to reflect the spirit of the team. So, I decided that he was going to be the personification of the BIGIST 'N' BADIST type of Wyvern there is (IMHO), The MAW-KRUSHA! And very UN-creatively, I decided to name him the same.

"Tiny-minded and short-sighted, the thuggish Maw-krushas barrel across the landscape pulverising anything in their way, be it trees, settlements or screaming people. Their bellow is loud enough to rupture organs, pop eyeballs and pulverise bones. They are even capable of a semblance of fiight with their stubby wings, though it has been suggested that this is more the result of gravity not wanting to mess with them. Most creatures have the good sense to steer well clear of Maw-krushas" (

Now if that doesn't meet all the qualities you need and are looking for in an Orc BB Captian, then I don't know what does!!! So then the question of how to turn this magnificent beast into a Blood Bowl player needed to be addressed...

As I mentioned above I started with an Orruk Brute body and made some minor green stuff and plasticard alterations to represent the team shirt, leather straps, and number plate. I decided to replicate the Varag stomach armour plate because I really like the way it looks. After that I made and attached hip armour. I decided to go with two open hands because I liked the way that looks. I decided to bolt spikes onto the shoulder pauldrons edges, but left them largely unaltered so that I can paint the team symbol on them later.

Next up was a way to make MAW-KRUSHA's "wings". I cut the blades from two Orruk Brute axes and attached them to the gauntlets. I then used green stuff to sculpt bolts and plates to "attach" the wings to the gauntlets.

I wanted a dynamic pose for MAW-KRUSHA. So I went with the less than original running pose. I didn't want to use the bare feet pieces that I had left from the Brutes box, so I removed the feet from a BB BOB and with a lot of patience and time I resculpted the bottom of the model's legs to have socks, and attached the feet.

I went with a custom built helmet that incorporated a large tusk/jaw look to it as tribute to the Maw-Krush, I decided to sculpt a small skull onto the forehead as a tribute to Varag just to tie him into the original model a little more.
