Building my own hype!

I can’t help but notice that the miniature games I love rely heavily on hype, and that the hype is constantly jumping to the latest game and leaving the others in the dust. 

I realized recently that this blog has been a subconscious attempt to keep the hype for the games I have bought alive. And sadly it has been neglected. 

So, it’s time to get it back up and running! 

I think a good place to start is to list the games and projects I have on the go at the moment. 

  • Blood Bowl - I have several teams being built and more waiting for paint. 
  • Warcry - I have a several warbands needing bases, and only one is partially painted at this time. 
  • Speed Freaks - I have some partially assembled bikes, but that’s it. 
  • Cursed City - models are built, need to base them all. I would really like to buy the GE Mausoleum for that next level feel. 
  • Underworlds - many unpainted warbands. Several can be built see to supplement Warcry. 
  • Space Hulk - partially painted 2 chapters of space marines. Partially painted Genestealers. Finished door basses. 
  • Kill team - Genestealer and Genestealer Cult models assembled. Need to be painted. 
  • Puppetwars: Unstitched by Wyrd games. I have just ordered it. It has 44 models and I want to build custom scenery for it. COMPLETED
