Two bats with one stone!

With all of the new Goblin releases I couldn't help but get caught up in all of the excitement and allow my creativity to run wild! I have always REALLY loved Night Goblins, as I MAY have mentioned once or twice before in this blog 😉 And waiting for GW to release a Wood Elf team is driving me CRAZY! So I thought to myself... Self... Why not kill two bats with one stone and build a Wood Elf team out of Goblins!?

Presently my thoughts are as follows:
I could use regular Squigs to count as Line Elves, and utilize the Goblins as staff:
Then I can use the Squig riders to represent the other positionals, namely the Wardancers, Catchers, and Throwers. For the Wardancers I was thinking that using the armoured Squig rider champion on armoured Squig would be cool, and then I can model amour onto a second Squig and Night Goblin to fill that positionals allowance. For the Catchers I would use unarmoured Night Goblins and squigs, and simply add a ball to the hands of these to represent Throwers.
And again for the Tree man I was thinking that a giant mushroom would do the trick!

The advantage to this approach is that I will also end up with the models to build my Squig/Halfling team! I will just need to build another mushroom man. So two full teams for around $110 is A LOT more palatable. 
