Space Hulk Deathwatch

I have found the perfect (albeit expensive) solution to my inability to decide on a Space Marine Chapter as my favourite! I am going to build a Deathwatch Terminator team for Space Hulk!!! I am planning to take my time with this project and have the end team be really detailed and reflect the individual characteristics of each of the Chapters the members represent. I think I will go with classic 3rd/4th edition bases to keep the focus on the models and to ensure they fit nicely with the game.  

Below are the models that I have in mind for the two sergeants and Librarian.

I want to have the sergeant armed with the Sword be an Ultramarine. He has a nice clean look fitting of the chapter, and a score to settle with the Tyranids. His conversion will consist of a nice simple shoulder pad swap, and possibly the addition of a helmet.

The role of the Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield sergeant goes to Arjac from the Space Wolves, I am anticipating that it will be tricky to swap out the left shoulder pad for a Deathwatch one, but worth it to have such a ferocious and dynamic mini on the team.

And last but not least is the Blood angels Librarian. Again the conversion will be fairly simplistic, a shoulder pad swap and replacing the combi-melta for a standard Storm Bolter will see this guy ready to purge the foul Genestealers without mercy!:

Now that I have these guys set, its time to start thinking about how the other squad members are going to be represented. I was thinking that I will start off by building a standard 3rd/4th edition team consisting of 12 models, and then add in the newer options like cyclone missile launchers, Frost Axes, and plasma cannons. Despite my difficulty committing to one chapter, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Blood Angels, So I decided to go with a Blood Angel/successor heavy build. I also want to writer up little background stories for each team member like in the 3rd/4th edition. Here's what I have so far:

  • Sergeant with Sword and SB - Ultramarine
  • Heavy Flamer & PF - Flesh Tearer
  • SB & PF - Crimson Fist
  • SB & PF - Raven Guard
  • SB & PF - Blood Drinker
  • Sergeant with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield  -Space Wolf
  • Assault Cannon & PF - Dark Angel
  • SB & PF - Black Templar
  • SB & Chainfist - Flesh Eater
  • SB & PF - Ultramarine
  • Lightning claws - Space Wolf
  • Librarian with Force Axe and SB - Blood Angels


  1. Here's mine:
    Storm Wardens Captain: Power Sword and Storm Bolter
    Blood Angels Librarian: Force Axe and Combi-Melta
    Dark Angels Sergeant: Mace of Absolution and Storm Bolter
    Ultramarines Marine: Assault Cannon and Power Fist
    Imperial Fists Marine: Storm Bolter and Chain Fist
    White Scars Marine: Storm Bolter and Power Fist
    Black Templars Marine: Storm Bolter and Power Fist
    Blood Angels (Death Company) Sergeant: Power Sword and Storm Bolter
    Salamander Marine: Heavy Flamer, Power First, and Melta-Gun
    Space Wolf Marine: Lightning Claws
    Raven Guard Marine: Storm Bolter and Chain Fist
    Minotaurs Marine: Storm Bolter and Power Fist

    1. Cool! It looks like you are using some additional rules that I am not privy to for the Combi-weapons, Meltas, and Death Company...


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